Read up on this company prior to the interview and what I understand is that this company is a start-up and they should be a bunch of entrepreneurs solving problems faced by MNCs and turning it into a social profit business. Derrick and Adam were my interviewers. They’re pretty nice people and shared with me …
Meet up with one of DTZ’s branch vice president Evan Chung. I deeply appreciate the patience and willingness he is when attending to me despite the fact that I’m not a qualified RES nor am a member of the company. He shared with me his past experiences of running a business briefly and guides me …
Penang Trip was awesome! Attended my dad cousin’s wedding and he is only 26! The interesting thing that I’ve learnt about this newly wed was that they’ve dated for 11 years prior to tying the knot. Wow, seems like a fairytale, doesn’t it? Such a relationship is rare and it somehow inspires others that long …
Today mark the day which I’LL GET MY LICENSE! Unfortunately, that’s not the case. I think I hit the jackpot in achieving 42 points despite only 4 points accumulated in the circuit and no immediate failure. The deduction is mostly due to lane filtering, obstruction of traffic and picking up speed too slowly. Don’t think …
Got my wisdom tooth extracted on 020713 and 180913. I’ve always dislike visiting the dentist. Can’t believe that I’m going for an operation to remove my wisdom tooth. The procedure wasn’t as bad as I expected to it be ( probably because my gums were numbed). The part which hurt the most was the anesthesia …
Hong Kong I’ll try to recall as much as possible as it’s been more than ½ a year since this trip! This was the first trip we’ve ever went as a group( YiKai,YiWei,EugeneTay,Lew,YewHeng,Chang). We were pretty excited since we met each other at the airport all the way till the last day ? This trip …
I was pretty excited to get selected for the MOH scholarship interview as it was my first scholarship application. It didn’t go as well as I expected it to be. Probably because I was nervous and didn’t keep calm when forming my train of thoughts. The usual questions of the interview goes like what do …