Whether it is in work or school, there’s always reading involved. With the pile of data/reports/articles we need to analyse nowadays, it’s mentally draining going through all these information. Information is so accessible nowadays with the internet. However, not everyone reads with the same pace and how much they absorb differs. Speed reading is a …
Failed my 2nd attempt at TP. There goes my time and money again. Pretty disappointed that I couldn’t get my license this time round as everything was great during the warm up. I’m still not convinced for failing my first test but for this 2nd attempt, I’m convinced by the mistake I made (the immediately …
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1800246/ Rating : 6/10 A romantic comedy movie which showcased awkward situations. There aren’t many “awkward” scenes as indicated by the title. Commitment, Support, devotion and the “unexpected loving your good friend” are highlighted in this movie. After watching this movie, it had me thinking about the importance of commitment and support. Support is the …
THIS IS ONE IMBA EXPERIENCE! Was contemplating whether to take up this job but decided to step out of my comfort zone. It’s quite amusing that I had to put on the costume myself as there should be an assistant. Although the costume was oversized, I managed to put most of them up except for …
An eye opening experience for me and it’s one of my first networking event. I had the chance to know quite a number of inspiring entrepreneurs such a Karl Mak and I’m grateful for their patience in sharing with me their advises and insights. The event was held at the Singapore Cricket Club and the …