Short and hectic tour trip. We went on a tour organized by 168 tour agency. It’s a short 2 day 1 night trip in Batam consisting of a day tour and stay at Pacific Palace. I wouldn’t recommend going on this tour as it’s disorganized and it’s much tilted towards earning from the tour group. …
261213 – 291213 Aloha! Krabi trip was certainly one of the best trips which I’ve had! Although the duration of the trip was short (technically 3 days as we departed in the morning on the last day) , we had an experience-rich trip! Maybe not needing to plan and coordinate too much for this trip …
Penang Trip was awesome! Attended my dad cousin’s wedding and he is only 26! The interesting thing that I’ve learnt about this newly wed was that they’ve dated for 11 years prior to tying the knot. Wow, seems like a fairytale, doesn’t it? Such a relationship is rare and it somehow inspires others that long …
Hong Kong I’ll try to recall as much as possible as it’s been more than ½ a year since this trip! This was the first trip we’ve ever went as a group( YiKai,YiWei,EugeneTay,Lew,YewHeng,Chang). We were pretty excited since we met each other at the airport all the way till the last day ? This trip …