Week 4: When you think it’s over, think again.

For this week’s episode of CS3216, it’s presentation and assignment 1 week!

Most of the week’s action were captured in my previous post on app critique so I could only share about assignment 1. I AM DAMM PROUD OF THE WORK BY MY GROUP MATES because after the submission, I went to showcase the app to 20 students and all of them told me that they would use it! I must admit that most of the work were done by my group mates while I focused on project management, idea validation, speaking to potential partners and marketing – revived the Instagram account with a new campaign #aweekOnExchange wherein students currently on exchange would get to take control of our Instagram account for a week! So for those who are interested in how the marketing is going, do check us out @ExchangeBuddy on Instagram! I hope that this momentum could continue and the project could be extended as a Final Project! I will definitely be pitching this idea during the internal pitching session and I hope that my classmates will see value in this project as much as I do.

Finally, one “submission” down but it seems like the assignments in this module has a revive potion because now sprung up Assignment 3! Time to brainstorm, hustle, repeat. In order to upgrade my skillset, I went for a design 101 course conducted in PGP on Saturday and I look forward to apply the skills gained from this workshop (Hopefully it will be applicable).

Ok that’s all for this week, see you!



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